Nursery Rhymes

Nursery Rhymes 

Nursery rhymes, is such a broad topic! 

Filled with many well known and not so well known tales, through rhyme. 

For us here at Love 2 Learn Nursery, singing is more than just an activity we perform on the carpet.

Singing is a language we universally speak, everyone can sing!

Wash your hands song words

If you’re like me, maybe not very well, but my songs still captivate a whole room of children, They hold no judgment!

It is apart of our daily rhythm, as we move around our setting - we sing. 

When we wash our hands - we sing. 

As we transition from room to room, from indoors to outdoors, there is a tune in the air. 

One that’s easily replicated, all you need is a tune and words that describe your activity. 

Our favourite for going down the stairs is “Let’s go down the stairs, let’s go down the stairs”. 

Super simple, yet magnificently affective, supporting understanding, speech and language.

We are not saying we don’t sing nursery rhymes - we certainly do… 

In fact there are so many to choose from. 

But here are some of our current favourites…

Dingle, Dangle Scarecrow 

Dingle Dangle Scarecrow song words

Horsey, Horsey 

Horsey Horsey song words

Baby Bumblebee

baby bumble bee song words

How much is that doggy? 

How much is that doggy song words

Shapes song 

I'm a lovely square song words

The list could go on and on. 

A great tip is to speak to your child’s educators, they can share with you their favourite songs from within their setting. 

Often settings can share these on their chosen platforms, so you can easily learn the rhymes at home too. 


Nursery Without Toys


Plants, Foliage and Flowers!