Nursery Without Toys

Nursery Without Toys 

‘Love 2 Learn Nursery’ follows ‘The Curiosity Approach®’, which adds emphasis to move away from generic toys and resources and becoming 'Nurseries without toys'.

Wooden frames with glass stones and crystals

But what does this actually mean?

Are there no toys at nursery? 

Of course we still have cars, trains, dolls, dinosaurs and all those exciting things. 

Organised wooden box of resources

But it’s what else is on offer with them that changes the dynamics. 

We have no plastic tea sets, rubber car matts or bright orange and grey plastic garages! 

Instead we offer an array of loose parts, recycled and authentic resources.

Truly open ended resources, that support imaginative and creative play. 

But WHY? Why have we steered away from plastic, closed resources?

open ended play - natural resources for children,

The answer is simple… Play is so important to early childhood development.

Supporting children to be creative explorers and be active learners in their development. 

Opened ended play items for children

Taking play back to basics, without the need for predetermined toys or electronic gadgets. 

PLAY is the way!


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