

Resource, by definition is a stock or supply of materials. 

In our early years settings it means a little more to us, a resource is a collection of enticing items, which provoke and support learning and development. 

Here at Love 2 Learn Nursery, we follow The Curiosity Approach®, which is an approach that encourages the exploration of natural and authentic resources, rather than an array of similar plastic items. 

But Why? 

Resources made specifically for children, tend to feel the same, have similar textures, weights and smells. They are also pre-built in most cases for a purpose, meaning they are a closed ended resource, a child would need to play with them in a specific way, to achieve a pre-determined learning outcome.

Authentic, natural resources and loose parts, are open ended resources, with the ability to be adapted by children's imaginations and ideas, supporting children to be advocates for their own learning experiences. 

This may all sound a little bit odd and maybe even confusing, the best way I have ever had it explained to me is... 

A plastic garage, you know the ones with the bright yellow ramps and little lifts, will always be a garage, it's purpose will always be to a garage. 

But large, loose parts like blocks, cardboard tubes, chutes and recycled packaging, can be a garage in the morning, a shop in the afternoon, an adventure through the woods and so much more. 

Using these authentic, natural and open ended resources, fully supports child led learning and the use of imagination. 

We whole heartedly believe that PLAY IS THE WAY!

Now this all may sound extremely expensive... But it isn't, we have a secret!! Shhhhhh!

Our dedicated team, scour free sites and market place, collecting unwanted items and giving them a new lease of life. 

smiling ladies at the car boot sale

Sunday morning's as the sun rises, our passionate educators, get up out of bed and have their morning coffee on the road, travelling to car boots, where we find the best items ever, for pennies, if the timing is right, there’s always lots of unwanted items for free too. 

After all one mans trash, is another mans treasure 

These items are then set up around the nursery, to entice learning; some of them absolutely get damaged or smashed, but as the children learn to care and respect for their resources, this happens less and less.

It's so beneficial for the children to handle objects of different strength, shape, size and weight. 



Nursery or Preschool?

