Breast Feeding

We are advocates for fed babies, whether it’s from a bottle or the breast, formula or breast milk a fed thriving baby is what's most important. 

Whatever your choice we support you and your feeding journey.

Here at Love 2 Learn you are welcome to feed your baby in our foyer or in a quiet, private area in our preschool room.

baby breast feeding

Breast feeding is a journey, individual to you and your baby.

There are many benefits to breastfeeding. 

Breast milk is easily digested for sensitive tummy's, containing all the nutrients in the right quantities, to support your babies growth. Breast milk also contains antibodies, that prevent and protect against infection.

Not only does breast feeding support your baby, it is also very beneficial to you, the mother. Breast feeding lowers your risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and obesity.

It is important to remember that breast feeding, doesn't always work out for every family. Not everyone feels comfortable or can breast feed.

Instead some families opt to use formula, which also contains nutrition to support your babies growth.

baby breast feeding

Our top tips for a successful breast feeding journey

There are many things you can do to support a positive and successful breastfeeding journey with your baby. 

Keeping your baby with you after you give birth, will support a strong hormonal response, strong positive attachment and improve your change for breast feeding success.

The first few days after birth, it provides the best opportunity for you and your baby, to learn how to breastfeed. Colostrum is highly nutritious and is your first milk, before your milk matures, as your milk changes your breasts can become full and firm. 

At first, it is advised to feed your baby on demand, babies tend to feed between 7 and 12 times, during a 24 hour period. This will settle into a routine over time, frequent feeding will support the production of milk, ensuring your baby has enough milk to thrive.

But what is the most important part in your journey, is doing what's best for you and your baby. Whether that's breast feeding or not, your journey is unique to you and your family and we support you.

Fed is best and yours and your babies health and wellbeing is what is important.

Whatever path your feeding journey takes you on, be patient and kind to yourself. 


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